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This wedding picture is the best you've seen in a long time

American photographer, Michael Kara was at Yosemite National Park taking random nature shots when he happened upon a gem of a view and snapped it.

An amazing wedding photo has become a viral sensation, and also created a mystery.
NBC reports that the photographer was hiking on September 1st toward Taft Point, in Yosemite National Park, California when he saw the newlyweds in the distance, and took what turns out to be one of the most beautiful pictures in the world.
It did not take long before the video went viral, with thousands of likes just few hours after it was posted on Instagram.

The couple were gone before the photographer could go over and ask for their names; and hence he posted the picture, with the aim of finding who they are.
In a chat with ABC news today, Kara said, "I had been back in Honolulu at my regular day job as an Allstate adjuster, and I was going about my day,
"At the same time, I was trying to sift through all the comments I was getting on the photo to see if there was any word on the couple."
The couple were later identified as Catherine Mack and Rick Donald play The couple later revealed their identity; Catherine Mack and Rick Donald (IG)

Eventually, the couple were discovered to be Catherine Mack and Rick Donald, both actors who were once series regulars on the Australian TV series "Home and Away."
"Update, I just talked to the bride." Kara said, after the couple were identified. "She was laughing and happy about the photo and the whole story and loved it.
Catherine Mack in another amazing one of her lovely wedding pictures play Catherine Mack in another amazing one of her wedding pictures (IG)

"She didn't know how big exactly the story had become. They both act. Their names are Rick Donald and Catherine Mack."
He added that he was "so relieved and stoked" that Mack and her husband were "happy and excited about the photo." He added that he got in touch with Mack over the phone shortly after seeing her post.
The couple released a statement of their own, saying: "This special moment was caught by Mike Karas who we don't know (at all)," Mack wrote in the caption.
"[H]e was just taking a sunset shot and we happened to wander into it. Thanks for looking for us far and wide, you certainly caught our attention."